Trail Design and UAV Site Mapping

site modeling
mtb trail design with GIS
terrain mapping for GIS export
aerial imagery and orthomosaics

Technology is changing the way we operate. Planet Zero Gravity, LLC uses UAVs and GIS software to help our customers better visualize outdoor recreation and environmental projects, and build natural surface trails that people will want to use. Planet Zero Gravity will apply CFR 14 part 107 standards to any drone services we provide, and comply with FAA airspace regulations.

GIS mapping

Trail Design

Using GIS and sustainable trail design practices, we can help make your hiking, biking or multiuse trail project a success – everything from gaining community support to conceptual planning, maps and even corridor flagging.

UAV mapping and surveys

UAV Site Mapping

UAVs can be used for precise 2D/3D mapping of existing recreational facilities, future build sites, construction projects, creating terrain maps with elevation contours, and planning forest, riverbank or urban restoration projects.

FAA Part 107 licensed and insured. Certification in sustainable trail layout, design and maintenance.