Trail Maps

Do you need new GIS trail maps – maybe your existing ones are outdated? Does your property have trails that are not documented yet? If so, we will go out and collect the GPS data for you.

we create GIS trail maps using QGIS and ARCgis

What Type of Trail Maps and Mapping Services do We Offer?

Planet Zero Gravity, LLC offers several mapping services. We can certainly help update your existing trail maps. All our map projects are created using GIS software. We can work off of gps data you may already have, or we will go out and collect it from scratch if needed.

The second type of service we provide is creating a GIS Trail Grade Analysis for assessing the steepness and sustainability of either existing or planned trail routing. This is very useful in determining potential erosion problem areas before a trail is even constructed.

Lastly, we can also create a geo-referenced orthomosaic map and import it into GIS as a base layer, or add aerial imagery to your project. This brings map creation to the next level, and is a necessity when existing online basemaps are outdated or do not contain the needed resolution. As a licensed UAV pilot, we can provide this additional service and make your trail maps stand out!

trail maps using GIS and drone orthomosaics